Easy Auto Upload Software

Please Dropbox your files to us, or contact us for the link to our easy upload utility that will allow you to easily upload any file to our FTP server. There is currently no size restrictions on the files you are permitted to upload.

NOTE: This program may not work in some corporate environments where proxy servers require authorisiation or where a firewall is blocking your computer from using some internet features. If you have problems with your use of this program, please contact On Show so we can discuss alternate arrangements. Or Dropbox your files to us.

 Public FTP Access

For your convenience we have a public ftp server available for you to upload your large artwork files. File up to 7MB can be emailed to us at artwork [@] onshow.com.au.

FileZilla Free FTP Program

To access our Public FTP Server, use these settings in your FTP client (such as filezilla).

Server ftp.southbrisbane.onshow.com.au
Port 21
Transfer Mode Passive
Username anonymous
Password <none>

(That is, set your client to use “anonymous” access to our ftp server)

Once your files have been uploaded, please contact us to alert us of your files, so that we can progress your job, and remove your files from the public domain.

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